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Favor Çalışmalarında Son Durum

Yayın Tarihi: 12.05.2015
Web tabanlı veri sistemine dayalı çok merkezli çalışma olanağı sağlayan ve 2013 yılında kurulan Favor for Pediatric Endocrinology çatısı altında şu ana kadar 10 proje yer almıştır. Bunlardan 4'ü sona ermiş, 2'sine hasta alımı devam etmektedir. Yeni başlayan 4 proje bulunmaktadır. Daha detaylı bilgi edinmek ve projelere katılmak için http://www.favor.org.tr/pediatric-endocrinology adresi ziyaret edilebilir.

Biten Projeler

1. Evaluation of chronic complications in children with Turner syndrome

2. Retrospective analysis of pediatric cases with vitamin d ıntoxication regarding clinical and laboratory findings

3. Evaluation of etiological spectrum, clinical features and response to treatment in patients with peripheral precocious puberty

4. The evaluation of growth and factors affecting growth in children with growth hormone deficiency who were diagnosed and started growth hormone therapy under one year of age


Devam eden Projeler

1. The evaluation of growth characteristics and response to growth hormone therapy in patients with Noonan syndrome

2. The diagnostic, treatment and follow-up features of childhood thyroid malignancy


Yeni Başlayan Projeler

1. The phenotypic and genetypic features of the patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism

2. First year growth response in Turner syndrome on growth hormone treatment and evaluation of final height and predictive factors

3. Testosterone/dihydrotestosterone ratio in the diagnosis of 5-alpha-reductase type 2 deficiency in different age groups

4. Clinical and laboratory characteristics of pediatric type 2 diabetes cases diagnosed in pediatric endocrinology centers in turkey: a retrospective study